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Mediatemple Coupon

Mediatemple Coupon

Mediatemple Coupon Codes for February 2019:

mediatemple promo code
Welcome to our round-up of the best promo codes and coupons for Mediatemple hosting! Here we continually update all of our codes to ensure that they are valid. To use these coupon codes, simply click on the blue coupon buttons below. A new browser window will take you to Mediatemple’s website, where you can enter the coupon code into their online shopping cart.

Feel free to scroll past our list of coupon to learn some cool things about Mediatemple. Did you know that Mediatemple hosts The Wall Street Journal?

Best Mediatemple Coupon Codes Right Now:

  • Save 20% Off Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting and Managed WordPress:

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    Best Deal! This coupon code was created exclusively for our readers: use this promo code to save 20% off WordPress, Grid Services, DV w/SSD level 1-2 and DV developer w/ SSD level 1-2 Hosting Services.
  • Exclusive Mediatemple Coupon: Save 20% Off The Initial Price of Hosting:

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    Save 20% off Mediatemple’s shared, VPS and Managed hosting plans.
  • Domain Name Deal: Save 10% Off All Domains:

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    Register one or many domains at Mediatemple and you’ll save 10% off the regular price when you use this coupon code.
  • Save 25% Off Managed Personal and Studio Products:

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    Save an extra 25% off Mediatemple’s Managed Personal and Studio products when you use this coupon code.
  • Get Your First Month of Personal Hosting for only $5:

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    This is a new type of hosting that Mediatemple has recently released. With this promo code you can have your first month of Personal hosting for only $5 (regular price is $20).
  • Get 1st Month of DV Level 1 monthly Service plan for $10:

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    Mediatemple’s new SSD-drive hosting plans are super-fast. Try out their DV Level 1 service for the first month for just $10.
  • Get 1st Month of VPS Hosting For $10:

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    Use this promo code and the first month’s price for VPS Hosting will drop to just $10 (regular price: $55). This discount applies to DV Level 1 monthly customers only.
  • Save 40% Off Of Mediatemple’s Grid Hosting:

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    Best Deal! Use this coupon code to save a full 40% off grid hosting. This promo code is valid for 1-year plans and is for new customers only.
  • Get a Free Mediatemple Domain Name!

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    Mediatemple has started offering a free domain name registration when you sign up for 1-year of web hosting on any premium or grid hosting plan. Just enter the promo code during checkout to redeem your free domain.
  • Save 20% Off Grid Hosting:

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    Use this coupon code to save 20% off grid hosting. I used it on Mediatemple’s shared hosting plan, which starts at $20/month. But with the coupon code, the price went down to $16/month.
  • Save 20% Off Web Hosting

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    This is another 20% off hosting coupon code, and works identically to the one above.

How to Use These Mediatemple Coupon Codes:

Just follow this quick step by step guide and you’ll be sure to save a lot of money on your Mediatemple hosting order:

  1. Order Your Desired Hosting and Domain Name:On the front page you can select which type of hosting (i.e. Grid hosting, VPS hosting) you want to purchase. Then you can choose to register a new domain name, or add an existing domain that you already own to your account.
  2. Select How Long You Want To Host Your Website: The default length is month-to-month, but you can order for one year, two years, or even three years.
    mediatemple - how to use coupon codes
  3. Scroll Down To The Promo Code Entry Field:When you’re in the shopping cart, you need to scroll down to see the entry field for coupon codes. Enter the code and click “Apply Code”.
    coupon codes mediatemple - apply coupon

    You should be an entry field that looks like this…

  4. Did It Work?If the coupon code is working, you’ll see a discount being taken off of your order. If it doesn’t work, then keep trying codes until you find one that gives you maximum savings.
    Mediatemple coupon - did it work?

    This is what it looks like when a coupon is valid and working.

Cool Facts About Mediatemple:

All of Mediatemple’s database storage (even on shared hosting plans) is hosted with SSD (solid-state drive) storage, meaning that you’re database loads up to 50% faster than on regular servers.

Mediatemple created one of the very first public cloud networks, which is what Mediatemple calls “The Grid”.

A Brief History of Mediatemple:

mediatemple coupon

Mediatemple was founded way back in 1998 and built up a great reputation as the hosting company of choice for website development professionals. Mediatemple specializes in offering professional hosting services, like Dedicated Virtual hosting, API Management and CDN’s (content delivery networks), among others.

Over the years Mediatemple has worked with lots of several high profile clients, including Starbucks, Sony, NBC and the Wall Street Journal.

In late-2013, when the fiasco was making headlines, The Wall Street Journal asked Mediatemple to examine and assess the troubled website.

In October 2019, Godaddy announced that they are acquiring Mediatemple, but will keep Mediatemple as an independent entity with its own workforce.

GoDaddy has said that the purpose behind the acquisition was to win over web professionals and designers, people who were attracted to Mediatemple’s excellent reputation for reliability and professionalism. This is why Mediatemple has not altered or changed their company since the acquisition.

Around the Web:

Twitter = Mediatemple’s official Twitter page. They actually have lots of cool tutorials and tips for web developers.

Wikipedia - Wikipedia’s page with more information on the Mediatemple company.

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